Me, Nicci, and Jules
In the Pool
The day started with us hanging around the house. I was able to go for a very relaxing 5 mile run. A new route today and during my run I focused on how lucky we are to live in America where I can go for a run and the freedom I have here in this country. After showers and a light lunch we packed the bags with swim suits, towels, and a dry change of clothes for the long day ahead. We went to Nicci and Jamie's for their annual 4th of July BBQ. The kids got to play with their friends, swim in the pool and eat lots of yummy food. I got to play ladder golf with my girls and me and my partner Amy won the first game. Peyton and Carson swam so much. Peyton has learned to dive in off of the diving board and swim across the pool to the shallow end. She has also learned to do a forward flip in the water. Carson is learning as well. He likes to swim with his bubble and jump off the board doing cannon balls. He also is learning to swim without the bubble. He was jumping in and bouncing off the bottom today. It was hard to get them out of the pool, but eventually we did and into dry clothes. As it started to get darker we packed up our things and headed towards Williamstown to watch the fireworks. As we waited we were able to watch some parachute jumpers. The fireworks were great and the kids enjoyed playing with their glow in the dark necklaces.
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